Introduction to common patterned aluminum plates

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3mm patterned aluminum plates, anti-slip patterned aluminum plates, 1mm patterned aluminum plates, and 2mm patterned aluminum plates are all common patterned aluminum plate specifications.

Introduction to common patterned aluminum plates

Patterned aluminum plates are a common secondary processing product in the field of aluminum plate processing. بخاصة, 3mm patterned aluminum plates, anti-slip patterned aluminum plates, 1mm patterned aluminum plates, aluminum diamond tread plate, and 2mm patterned aluminum plates are all common patterned aluminum plate specifications. لكن, many customers who use patterned aluminum plates may not know much about the price of patterned aluminum plates. So today, Huawei Aluminum will give a detailed introduction to common patterned aluminum plates.

Aluminum Diamond Tread Plate

Aluminum Diamond Tread Plate

Introduction to patterned aluminum plates

Patterned aluminum plates usually refer to ordinary aluminum plates or aluminum coils that are processed by embossing technology. Products with striped patterns are usually called patterned aluminum plates, which are what we call embossed aluminum plates or patterned aluminum coils. Common patterns of patterned aluminum plates include five-rib patterned aluminum plates, لوحات الألومنيوم منقوشة البوصلة, ألواح ألومنيوم منقوشة بقشر البرتقال, وألواح الألمنيوم المنقوشة على شكل عدس, as well as spherical patterned aluminum plates that have been used more in the automotive field this year. These are the most commonly used and widely used types of patterned aluminum plates. عمومًا, the price of patterned aluminum plates will vary depending on the type of pattern.

Summary of patterned aluminum plates of common thickness

Price and use advantages of 3mm patterned aluminum plates: 3mm patterned aluminum plates are widely used in automobile low linings, because 3mm patterned aluminum plates are thick enough and have stable shapes and good surface effects. The price is also the lowest price of patterned aluminum plates among the embossed types. The processing technology is simple and most factories have a large part of inventory. وبالتالي, سعر 3ورقة الألمنيوم مم is the lowest price, نوعية جيدة, stable performance and the widest application field among these patterned aluminum plates.

Use advantages of 1mm patterned aluminum plates: 1mm patterned aluminum plates are patterned aluminum plates mainly used for shells, and are more used on inner walls. The thickness is not as thick as the 3mm patterned aluminum plate, so the yield strength is not recommended to be too high, so the 1mm patterned aluminum plate can only be used in the application of products that do not require high thickness, so the application of 1mm patterned aluminum plate may not be as good as 3mm patterned aluminum plate, but it also has its good advantages, but the price of 1mm patterned aluminum plate is basically not much different from the price of conventional patterned aluminum plate.

2mm patterned aluminum plate use advantage: 2mm patterned aluminum plate to a large extent makes up for a disadvantage trend between 3mm and 1mm. بصورة مماثلة, 2mm patterned aluminum plate is more used on low lining plates to play a simple anti-slip role.

Common Patterned Aluminum Plates

Common Patterned Aluminum Plates

4mm patterned aluminum plate use advantage: 4mm patterned aluminum plate price is a relatively low price product among the listed patterned aluminum plates, it is easier to produce, especially in thickness, and compared with other alloy materials, 4mm patterned aluminum plate has high yield strength, and patterned aluminum plate is definitely the best choice.

Introduction to the use of five-rib pattern aluminum plate: في الحقيقة, when it comes to patterned aluminum plates, most people think of five-rib pattern aluminum plates. Compared with strip pattern aluminum plates, these types of pattern aluminum plates are the most commonly used and have the most applications. Compared with spherical pattern aluminum plates, diamond pattern aluminum plates, إلخ., this is the most commonly used pattern aluminum plate. The price of five-rib pattern aluminum plates is also the most stable and low. What reason is there not to choose five-rib pattern aluminum plates?

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    سيدي العزيز, Please offer your best FOB Prices specs are as under ALUMINIUM STRIP (AL=99.50% MIN) مقاس:450 X32 X6 ملم. واحد الخاص بك 570 EN-AW 1050 أ, الكمية = 3400 كجم
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  • مايلز قال:
    مرحبًا, هل يمكن أن تقدم لي ألواح الألمنيوم? أكتالي أحتاج: 110مم × 1700 مم × 1700 مم 5083 إتش111 - 21 pcs Next year planed is 177 اجهزه الكمبيوتر
  • المصور سعيد:
    مقالة رائعة. كنت سعيدا, لقد وجدت هذا المقال. يبدو أن الكثير من الناس, أن لديهم معرفة دقيقة عنه, ولكن في كثير من الأحيان ليس كذلك. ومن هنا كانت مفاجأتي السارة. أنا منبهر. بالتأكيد سأوصي بهذا المكان وأعود كثيرًا, لرؤية أشياء جديدة.
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    متطلبات قطاع الألومنيوم
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    رقم 52, طريق دونغمينغ, تشنغتشو, حنان, الصين

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    شركة Henan Huawei Aluminium Co., المحدوده, واحدة من أكبر موردي الألمنيوم في الصين خنان,تأسسنا في عام 2001 ، ولدينا خبرة غنية في الاستيراد والتصدير ومنتجات الألمنيوم عالية الجودة

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    رقم 52, طريق دونغمينغ, تشنغتشو, حنان, الصين

    +86 181 3778 2032

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