Hliníkový kruh pro dno nádoby

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Hliníkový kruh pro dna nádobí se běžně nazývá "hliníkový disk" nebo "hliníkový disk." toto jsou kruhové části hliníku, které mohou být použity jako základna nebo zadní strana různých forem nádobí, která zahrnuje hrnce, pánve, a filtrační vařiče.

Hliníkový kruh pro dno nádoby

  • Slitina: 1060, 1100, 3003
  • Nálada: H24, H22, Ó, H18
  • Tloušťka: 1.0mm-5.0mm
  • Průměr: 30mm-200mm
  • Podmínky doručení: FOB, CFR, CIF

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Hliníkový kruh pro dno nádoby

Aluminum circle for cookware bottoms are normally called “aluminum disc” or “aluminum disk.” these are circular portions of aluminum which might be used because the base or backside of various forms of cookware, která zahrnuje hrnce, pánve, a filtrační vařiče.

Aluminum circle for cookware bottom

Hliníkový kruh pro dno nádoby

The usage of aluminum circle for cookware bottoms is quite not unusual because of its super warmth conductivity and light-weight houses, which make it best for even cooking and short heat distribution.

Why aluminum circle for cookware bottom?

Heat Conductivity: Aluminum is an tremendous conductor of warmth, which means that it quickly and calmly distributes heat throughout the cooking surface. This enables save you warm spots and ensures that food is cooked uniformly.

Lehká váha: Aluminum is a light-weight fabric, making the cookware easier to handle and circulate, that’s in particular beneficial for large pots and pans.

Aluminum circle with blue film

Aluminum circle with blue film

Energetická účinnost: The excessive heat conductivity of aluminum means that you may cook at decrease temperatures, saving power and reducing cooking instances.

Trvanlivost: at the same time as aluminum is enormously soft and susceptible to scratching, whilst used as the base of cookware, it’s miles often combined with different substances to growth its durability. This will include anodized aluminum or non-stick coatings.

Odolnost proti korozi: Aluminum is obviously corrosion-resistant because of the formation of a defensive oxide layer on its floor. This helps increase the lifestyles of the cookware.

Kompatibilita: Aluminum discs can be used with numerous cooktops, inclusive of gasoline, electric, and induction stoves.

It’s important to note that aluminum alloy can react with certain acidic foods, potentially affecting the taste of the food.


1. Coat the cooking surface with a non-stick coating

2. Covered with stainless steel

Specification of aluminum circle for cookware bottom

  • Slitina: 1060, 1100, 3003 Hliníkový kruh
  • Nálada: H24, H22, Ó, H18
  • Tloušťka: 1.0mm-5.0mm
  • Průměr: 30mm-200mm

Application of aluminum discs in cookware manufacturing

Slitina Nálada Tloušťka aplikace
1060 Ó,H12 2-3 mm Pan, Pizza Pan, Electric Frying Pan
3003 Ó 2-4 mm Pressure Cooker, Rice Cooker
1100 Ó 3-5 mm Cookware Bottom, Stainless Steel Cookware Bottom
Aluminum circle for cookware bottom application

Aluminum circle for cookware bottom application

Things to note when packaging aluminum circle for cookware bottom

When packaging aluminum wafers, you need to pay attention to the following four items:

První, When packaging aluminum wafers, tic-tac-toe frame packaging is often used. The packaging must meet the needs of storage and transportation; the tic-tac-toe frame for packaging aluminum wafers is made of wood, and the top and bottom are made of two wooden squares. The height must meet the operating requirements of the forklift. The upper side of the upper wood should be made into an arc shape corresponding to the roll diameter. The upper and lower wood sides should be fixed with screws respectively. The length of the screw should be shorter than the arc surface of the upper wood. Prevent the aluminum disc from being punctured.

Druhý, The outside of the aluminum disc needs to be wrapped with a layer of strong neutral or weakly acidic material (usually high release), then put in the packing list, and use tape to stick the overlap of the aluminum disc. A soft pad needs to be placed on the end face of the aluminum disc to protect the end face of the aluminum disc from scratches.

Aluminum circle for cookware bottom packaged

Aluminum circle for cookware bottom packaged

Třetí, When packaging hliníkové disky, desiccant needs to be added. Use the entire plastic sheet to wrap the whole thing. The outer plastic sheet at the overlap should be taped downwards, and the remaining ends of the plastic sheet should be inserted into the tube core. Use rainproof cardboard of suitable size to wrap all the aluminum discs in the circumferential direction and close both end faces. The joints between the end faces and the circumference and all gaps must be taped firmly.

Čtvrtý, Place the wrapped aluminum disc on the tic-tac-toe frame and fix it with steel straps along the circumferential direction. The steel straps should be tied firmly. Attach a box tag to the end face of the packaged aluminum discs. In addition to the load-bearing and packaging costs of the boxes and tic-tac-toe frames, the transportation method and the user’s transportation, loading and unloading methods and precautions should also be written.

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Nejnovější komentáře

    Vážený pane, Please offer your best FOB Prices specs are as under ALUMINIUM STRIP (AL=99,50 % MIN) VELIKOST:450 X32 X6 MM. VAŠE 570 EN-AW 1050 A, MNOŽSTVÍ=3400KG
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  • Řekl MILES:
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    č.52, Dongming Road, Zhengzhou, Henan, Čína

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    Henan Huawei Aluminium Co., Ltd, Jeden z největších dodavatelů hliníku v Číně Henan,Jsme založena v roce 2001 a máme bohaté zkušenosti s dovozem a vývozem a vysoce kvalitními hliníkovými výrobky

    Otevírací doba:

    Po – So, 8AM – 17:00

    Neděle: ZAVŘENO

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    č.52, Dongming Road, Zhengzhou, Henan, Čína


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