Electronic aluminum foil is a kind of アルミホイル processed by a series of rolling, 高純度アルミニウム地金の洗浄・切断工程. アルミ電解コンデンサの重要な原料です。.
After the aluminum material is processed into foil, the electronic aluminum foil undergoes surface corrosion treatment and re-oxidation treatment, and then is wound to make a capacitor. The aluminum foil before corrosion is called light foil, the aluminum foil after corrosion is called corrosion foil, and the aluminum foil after re-oxidation is called finished foil.
Electronic aluminum foil refers to light foil and is a key raw material for the production of aluminum electrolytic capacitors. Due to the sequence of the production process, it is divided into electronic aluminum foil and electrode foil. The electrode foil includes corrosion foil and chemical foil.
Electronic aluminum foil and electrolyte together account for 30%-70% of the raw material cost of aluminum electrolytic capacitors (varying with the size of the capacitor). It can store electrical energy and can be used as the positive and negative electrodes of electrolytic capacitors.
最も基本的な電子部品の一つとして, aluminum electrolytic capacitors are widely used in various electronic products such as the electronic information industry and home appliances.
They have the characteristics of small size, large capacitance and low cost, especially the price per unit capacitance is the lowest among all The cheapest capacitors, in line with the development trend of low-price information products, are widely used in communications, 家電製品, 自動車, エレクトロニクス, 航空, new materials and other industries. The market demand is huge. 現在のところ, aluminum electrolytic capacitor production accounts for 45% of all capacitor production.
The main products of electronic aluminum foil include 1000 そして 3000 シリーズアルミニウム合金. Electronic aluminum foil is mainly used in electronic components and other fields. Warwick Aluminum Electronic Foil has a high market share, stable product performance, 優れた品質, and high market recognition.
Electronic aluminum foil is high-purity aluminum foil, which is made from refined aluminum (high-purity aluminum) aluminum ingots that are hot-rolled into aluminum sheets, and then further cold-rolled and annealed. The specific production process of electronic aluminum foil includes: melting and casting-soaking-hot rolling-pre-annealing-cold rolling-intermediate annealing-cold rolling-foil rolling-slitting-performance testing-packaging.
合金シリーズ | 代表的な合金 | 材料の状態 | 厚さ(mm) | 幅(mm) | 長さ(mm) |
1000 シリーズ | 1070、1100あ | H18 | 0.02-0.055 | 100-1700 | C |
3000 シリーズ | 3003 |
Electronic aluminum foil can be divided into high-voltage anode foil, low-voltage anode foil, negative electrode foil, 等. The high-voltage anode foil is corroded like pillar holes, the low-voltage anode foil is corroded like sponge, and the anode foil in the medium-voltage section is corroded like moths.
High-voltage anode foil can be divided into two categories, one is high-quality high-voltage foil; the other is ordinary high-voltage foil. The characteristics of high-quality high-voltage anode foil are “two high and one thin”, あれは, 高純度, high cubic texture and thin surface oxide film.
This type of product is of high quality, but the cost is high. The aluminum purity is >99.99%, the cubic texture is 96%, and the vacuum heat treatment is carried out under the conditions of 10-3pa ~ 10-5Pa. Ordinary high-voltage anode foil is an economical and practical high-voltage anode foil. The aluminum purity is >99.98%, the cubic texture is >92%, and the vacuum heat treatment is carried out under the conditions of 10-1pa ~ 10-2pa.
The production of electronic aluminum foil is a precision processing process, and the quality of the product has an important relationship with the advanced level of raw materials, control systems, and production equipment.
From a global perspective, although China’s electronic aluminum foil production is developing rapidly, European and American companies still have advantages in advanced technology, 特に高電圧電子アルミ箔.
電子アルミ箔製品はプロセス技術への要求が厳しいため、, 設備技術と生産管理レベル, 生産は、認定された製品を生産するために、プロセスフローと装置の特性に厳密に従わなければなりません.
近年では, 科学技術の進歩とともに, 電子アルミ箔製品の主要設備を国産化. 最近では, 国内の電子アルミ箔工場は国内の設備を使用して製品を生産しています, 品質レベルは日本や韓国の製品に追いつき、あるいはそれを超えています.
制御システムの選択において, 国内大手メーカーの技術は未熟, and most of them choose foreign control systems. In terms of technology, domestic production lines and production processes still imitate and continue to use foreign technology, or choose a technical model of cooperation with foreign capital.
In order to continuously improve the product characteristics of aluminum electrolytic capacitors, my country has made many related technical improvements in aluminum foil processing. The use of high-purity, high-performance aluminum foil materials greatly improves the corrosion performance of the material, and at the same time greatly reduces the leakage current of the dielectric oxide film formed;
The development of advanced corrosion and formation processes further increases the specific capacity of the cathode and anode aluminum foils, 陽極光により箔の漏れ電流がさらに減少. コンデンサの体積低減と平坦化を実現するために, 近年、化成アルミ箔の高比容・高強度化の加工技術が進歩しています。.
1. アルミ箔バンプ ▲アルミ箔傷とは、輸送中や保管中にアルミ箔が他の物と衝突し、箔の表面や端面に生じる傷のことを指します。. 傷はアルミホイルの梱包時の不注意が原因で発生することが多い. |
2. 腐食 ▲アルミ箔の表面が周囲の媒体と接触している, 化学反応または電気化学反応が起こった後, アルミ箔の表面に欠陥が発生します, the surface of the corroded aluminum foil will lose its luster, and gray corrosion products will be produced in severe cases. The corroded aluminum foil will have a great impact on the aesthetics of the products produced by the terminal. |
3. Surface air bubbles ▲Aluminum foil with surface bubble defects will have irregular circular or strip-shaped cavities on the surface of the foil; the edges of the protrusions are smooth, the two sides are asymmetrical, and the distribution is irregular. Unbalanced force is likely to cause breakage and shutdown. |
4. Dark side stripes ▲Dark side stripes mostly appear on double-joint products. There are obvious light and dark stripes along the rolling direction on the dark side, which affects the appearance. |
5.Imprints ▲ There are many situations that will cause marks on the surface of the aluminum foil, such as defects on the surface of the roller or guide roller or dirt such as metal shavings stuck on the surface, the surface of the sleeve or tube core is not clean or there are smooth bumps in the area, or the foil is rolled when it is coiled.There are foreign objects stuck on the surface, 等. There are usually single or periodic depressions or ridges on the surface of the foil where marks appear, which are easy to identify. |
6. Oil spots ▲Common aluminum foil oil stains are formed after annealing and are generally light yellow, 茶色, or yellowish-brown stains. |
7. Remove oil and dirt ▲To check whether the degreasing is clean, generally after annealing, use the water brushing method to test the degreasing level. If it does not reach the level specified in the water brushing test, there may be oil on the aluminum foil. |
8.Split edge ▲The phenomenon of longitudinal cracks on the aluminum foil surface is called cracked edges. 重症の場合, obvious gaps can be seen on the edges. |
9. Poor plate shape ▲Due to uneven deformation, local unevenness occurs on the surface of the foil, which is called poor shape. According to the location where the defect occurs, it is divided into middle waves, edge waves, two-rib waves and compound waves.The waves on the sides are called side waves (as shown in the figure), and the waves in the middle are called middle waves. Both are called compound waves, and waves that are neither in the middle nor on the sides are called two-ribbed waves. |
10. 接着力 ▲A single sheet of aluminum foil roll is not easy to open, and when multiple sheets are opened, it will be hardened, and the free-falling length of the product cannot meet the standard requirements. In serious cases, the single sheet cannot be opened, and the adhesion of aluminum foil will seriously affect the production of products. |
11. Holes ▲The surface of the foil is prone to holes. |
12. loose volume ▲Because the winding is not tight during slitting, when the foil is held upright along the direction of the die, the foil will be shifted between layers; when the foil is pressed with fingers, local depressions may occur. |
13. Burr ▲After cutting, there are thorns of different sizes on the edge of the foil. |
14. Split level ▲The end face layers of aluminum foil rolls move irregularly, causing the end face to be uneven. |
15. Tower shape ▲The misalignment between the aluminum foil end layers causes a tower-shaped deviation, which is called a tower shape. The tower shape is a special case of split levels, with the sides looking like a spire. |
航空機グレードのアルミニウム シートは、航空宇宙用途で使用するために特別に設計されたアルミニウム合金の一種です。. これらのシートは高強度アルミニウム合金で作られており、軽量でありながら飛行時の応力やひずみに耐えるのに十分な強度を備えています。.
調理器具用アルミニウムサークルとは、通常、さまざまなタイプの調理器具の製造に使用されるアルミニウム製の円形の部品またはサークルを指します。, 鍋などの, 鍋, そして調理器具も.
ハニカムアルミホイル, アルミニウムハニカムコアとも呼ばれます, 一連の六角形のセルを作成する方法で貼り合わせられた 2 層のアルミニウム箔から作られた一種の軽量コア材料です。, 蜂の巣によく似ています.
水ギセル用のアルミホイルは、水ギセルの準備と使用に一般的に使用されます。, シーシャまたは水パイプとしても知られています. 水ギセルの準備において特定の目的を果たします。, 特に木炭とタバコの配置と管理において.
河南華為アルミニウム有限公司, 株式会社, 中国河南省最大のアルミニウムサプライヤーのひとつ,私たちは2001年に設立され、輸出入と高品質のアルミニウム製品の豊富な経験があります
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