Voštinová hliníková fólie

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Voštinová hliníková fólie, také známé jako hliníkové voštinové jádro, je typ lehkého materiálu jádra vyrobeného ze dvou vrstev hliníkové fólie, které jsou vzájemně spojeny způsobem, který vytváří řadu šestihranných buněk, hodně jako plástev.

Voštinová hliníková fólie

  • Slitina: 3003/3004/3104/5052
  • Nálada: H18/H19
  • Tloušťka (jeden) : 20-100jeden
  • Šířka (mm): 90-1500mm, common 914/1020mm
  • Délka: Cívky, kostomizované
  • Surface Technology: Pickling+water washing+silane passivation+epoxy varnishes

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What is honeycomb aluminum foil

Voštinová hliníková fólie, také známé jako hliníkové voštinové jádro, je typ lehkého materiálu jádra vyrobeného ze dvou vrstev hliníkové fólie, které jsou vzájemně spojeny způsobem, který vytváří řadu šestihranných buněk, hodně jako plástev. These cells are then expanded into a core material that is lightweight, strong, and rigid.

Honeycomb Aluminum Foil

Voštinová hliníková fólie

Honeycomb aluminum foil is commonly used in a variety of applications, such as aerospace and aviation industries, marine and naval structures, as well as in construction and architecture. The lightweight and high strength properties of honeycomb aluminum make it an ideal material for sandwich panels, which are made by bonding two outer layers of material (such as fiberglass or carbon fiber) to a honeycomb aluminum core.

Honeycomb aluminum foil also has excellent sound and vibration dampening properties, making it useful in applications such as speaker grills, acoustic panels, and industrial enclosures.

Honeycomb aluminum foil standards

Executable standards for honeycomb aluminum foil: národní norma, americký standard, evropský standard, ruský standard, Chinese standard, atd.

3003 H18 Aluminum Foil Jumbo Roll

3003 H18 Aluminum Foil Jumbo Roll

Aluminum foil specifications for honeycomb core

Slitina 3003/3004/3104/5052
Nálada H18/H19
Tloušťka 20-100jeden
Šířka 20-1500mm, Common 914/1020mm, max 1500mm
Délka Přizpůsobit
Honeycomb side length 5/6/8/10/12 mm
Surface technology Pickling+water washing+silane passivation+epoxy varnish

Introduction of aluminum foil for honeycomb core

Aluminum foil for honeycomb core is a type of aluminum foil that is used as a raw material to manufacture honeycomb cores.

The common alloy grades are 3003/3004/3104/5052, the mechanical and mechanical properties of 3004 a 3104 are basically the same, usually 3004 can be used instead of 3104 slitina hliníku;

The biggest difference between honeycomb core used aluminum foil and conventional aluminum foil is the surface treatment;

5052 Aluminum Honeycomb Core

5052 Aluminum Honeycomb Core

Honeycomb core used aluminum foil surface treatment process

    • 1. Honeycomb core used aluminum foil surface cleaning (moření + water washing), the surface dyne value can reach more than 50, the relative cost is relatively low, but it is easy to form an oxide layer on the surface;
    • 2. Silane treatment agent passivation (chromium heavy metals are easy to exceed the standard, currently not suitable for passivation of aluminum foil);
    • 3. Coating epoxy varnish;

Advantages of aluminum foil for Huawei honeycomb panels

1. High board surface flatness – good board shape

Equipped with a shape controller to monitor the shape in real time; the follow-up straightening process, the second correction of the shape; to ensure that the aluminum foil shape is good, the layout is high, and the shape accuracy is good!

2. High strength – not easy to deform after processing

3003-h18 aluminum foil is used as the aluminum foil base material for the honeycomb core, which has high strength, the finished product is not easy to deform, the end surface is flat, the edge is free of burrs, and the board surface is flat after bonding and laminating;

3. The surface of the aluminum foil is degreased and clean – the glue is not easy to fall off

Special degreasing equipment and passivation process ensure that the surface of the aluminum foil is free of oil, the adhesive is firm, not easy to fall off, and has a long service life;

Application of aluminum honeycomb panels

The upper and lower bottom plates and panels of aluminum honeycomb panels are made of aluminum alloy plates, with a thick and light honeycomb core sandwiched in the middle (the aluminum honeycomb core is made of aluminum foil through complicated processes;), the panel and the sandwich core are bonded The agent is cemented into a monolithic rigid structure.
Panel surface treatment can be fluorocarbon, roller coating, thermal transfer printing, wire drawing, oxidace; aluminum honeycomb panels can also be pasted and compounded with fireproof boards, stone materials, and ceramics.

Aluminum honeycomb panels have the characteristics of light weight, vysoká síla, sound insulation, heat insulation, voděodolný, odolný proti vlhkosti, and heat preservation;

Honeycomb Aluminum Panel For Ceiling

Honeycomb Aluminum Panel For Ceiling

  • 1) Building curtain wall external wall hanging board
  • 2) Interior decoration works
  • 3) Roofing material
  • 4) Buildings on board
  • 5) Aviation manufacturing industry
  • 6) Indoor partition and product display stand
  • 7) Commercial transport vehicle and container vehicle body
  • 8) Interior decoration of buses, vlaky, subways and rail transit vehicles

How to make aluminum honeycomb panels

Honeycomb Aluminum Foil

Voštinová hliníková fólie

  • 1) Surface passivated aluminum foil coated node glue (epoxy modified high temperature curing glue);
  • 2) The aluminum foil is sliced according to the design size, stacked (the number of layers is related to the length of the finished honeycomb core in the later stage), fused at high temperature, cut into pieces (according to the height of the finished honeycomb core), and pulled into a hexagonal honeycomb;
  • 3) Apply glue to the inner side of the bottom plate, place the honeycomb core on it, adjust the position, and then apply glue to the inner side of the panel and cover it on the upper layer of the honeycomb.
  • 4) Hydraulic solidification, cooling and cutting.

Related information

What is dyne value

Derived from dyne, it is the unit of force, expressed as dyne/cm, expressing the size of the surface tension coefficient, defined as the force of mutual traction per unit length between two adjacent parts of the liquid surface, 1dyn/cm=1mN /m.

When the surface tension coefficient is large, the liquid can wet the solid surface better, to je, the surface dyne value of the material is high.

The wettability of solid surfaces is usually evaluated by surface free energy, contact angle, and dyne value. Relatively speaking, the contact angle measuring instrument will be more accurate, followed by the surface free energy, and the dyne pen can quickly and roughly judge.

Dyne value measurement method

Dyne Pen Test
Dyne pen specifications generally range from 30-70, and our common ones are 36/38/40/42/44. These numbers represent that the surface tension coefficient of the material is so large

Dyne Pen Test

Dyne Pen Test

How to use Dyne pen:
Choose a pen with an estimated dyne size.
Draw a straight line (5-10cm) evenly on the surface of the measured object with the Dyne pen.
After 2~3 seconds, observe whether the handwriting shrinks and condenses into water droplets. If there are shrinkage drops, change to a dyne pen with a lower value and draw a straight line until there is no shrinkage and no droplet points to determine the surface tension value of the object.

If the handwriting is smooth, change to a dyne pen with a higher value and draw again until the handwriting shrinks, then the dyne pen number of the previous value is the dyne value on the surface of the measured object.

Dyne pen result analysis:

If the drawn lines are evenly distributed without any beads, it means that the surface tension of the film is higher than the dyne pen index, and it can be printed in this case.
If the drawn line shrinks slowly, it means that the surface tension of the film is slightly lower than the dyne pen index. In this case, the printing effect is not good.
If the drawn line shrinks immediately and forms bead points, it means that the surface tension of the film is very lower than the dyne pen index. This case cannot be printed.

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Nejnovější komentáře

    Vážený pane, Please offer your best FOB Prices specs are as under ALUMINIUM STRIP (AL=99,50 % MIN) VELIKOST:450 X32 X6 MM. VAŠE 570 EN-AW 1050 A, MNOŽSTVÍ=3400KG
  • Řekla Sviatlana Kapachenia:
    Ahoj, Byl byste tak laskav a nabídl následující zboží: Cívka 0,6x1250 (1000)mm EN AW-3105 5tons
  • Řekl MILES:
    Ahoj, Můžete mi nabídnout hliníkové desky? Vlastně potřebuji: 110mm x 1700 mm x 1700 mm 5083 H111 - 21 pcs Next year planed is 177 ks
  • Fotograf řekl:
    Skvělý článek. byl jsem potěšen, že jsem našel tento článek. Mnoho lidí si to myslí, že mají spolehlivé znalosti o tomto tématu, ale často tomu tak není. Proto mé příjemné překvapení. Jsem ohromen. Určitě doporučím toto místo a vrátím se častěji, vidět nové věci.
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    č.52, Dongming Road, Zhengzhou, Henan, Čína

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    Henan Huawei Aluminium Co., Ltd, Jeden z největších dodavatelů hliníku v Číně Henan,Jsme založena v roce 2001 a máme bohaté zkušenosti s dovozem a vývozem a vysoce kvalitními hliníkovými výrobky

    Otevírací doba:

    Po – So, 8AM – 17:00

    Neděle: ZAVŘENO

    Být v kontaktu

    č.52, Dongming Road, Zhengzhou, Henan, Čína



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