5 common classifications of checkered aluminum plates

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Checkered aluminum plates are a very common aluminum plate material in our lives. checkered aluminum plates are the most commonly used in the field of aluminum plate reprocessing. We distinguish checkered aluminum plates mainly from alloy, pattern type, and pattern shape. Different checkered aluminum plates have different uses.

5 common classifications of checkered aluminum plates

Checkered aluminum plate is currently the most commonly used pattern in our lives. checkered aluminum plate is the most commonly used processing field in the field of aluminum plate reprocessing. したがって, we distinguish checkered aluminum plate, 主にパターンの種類に分けられます, パターン合金, pattern The shape of the checkered aluminum plate is very different depending on its pattern.

5 Common Of Checkered Aluminum Plates

5 Common Of Checkered Aluminum Plates

The five common categories of checkered aluminum plates are as follows:

Five bar aluminum tread plate

Also known as aluminum alloy checkered plate, it is named after its surface with five consecutively arranged concave and convex, relatively parallel bar-like patterns. It has good anti-slip properties and is often used in building platforms, stair steps, machinery Anti-skid and other fields.

Five Bar Aluminum Tread Plate

Five Bar Aluminum Tread Plate

Diamond aluminum tread plate

This kind of aluminum plate also has anti-skid function, but its pattern style is different from the five-bars, similar to the shape of a compass. Although the effect is similar, it may not be as common as the five-bars in practical applications.

Orange peel checkered aluminum plate

Its surface shows a texture similar to orange peel, which is divided into classic orange peel pattern and variant orange peel pattern (bug pattern). It is mainly used in occasions with high decorative requirements, such as home appliance panels, interior decoration parts, 等.

Lentil-shaped aluminum tread plate

The pattern of this type of aluminum plate is arranged in a lentil shape. In addition to being beautiful, it also has a certain anti-slip effect. It is often used in packaging, decoration and some industrial fields.

Large and small three-bar aluminum tread plate

Although the title does not directly mention it, in practical applications there is another common type of aluminum plate with three ribs, which also has good anti-skid properties and is suitable for a variety of application scenarios that require increased friction.

3003 Aluminum Tread Plate For Trailer

3003 Aluminum Tread Plate For Trailer

例えば, の 3003 aluminum tread plate that we often see is widely used in various fields. の 3003 aluminum tread plate is widely used in bottom linings of ships, 航空機, 高速鉄道バス, 等. Because of its corrosion resistance and aesthetics, の 3003 aluminum tread plate is 3003 アルミシートプレート. The anti-rust performance is also relatively good, which is also the most common reason for being used in the above transportation fields. しかし, 3003 aluminum tread plate is not the most widely used one. The most widely used one should be 5052 aluminum tread plate.

We can also divide it again according to the different alloys of the Chinese version, such as the 3003 checkered aluminum plate. 現在, the most concentrated ones are the following alloys, 1060 aluminum tread plate, 1100 aluminum tread plate, 3003 アルミ板, 5052 aluminum tread plate, 6061 aluminum tread plate, 5083 aluminum tread plate and other series of aluminum tread plate.

The above are common alloy aluminum plates. checkered aluminum plates are used in different environments depending on the alloy. 例えば, の 3003 checkered aluminum plate we mentioned above has excellent corrosion resistance and low price. したがって, it is widely used in the transportation field, エンタープライズ分野, processing field and equipment field. It is more popular. Our most common checkered aluminum plate with anti-slip effect in cold storage is 3003 checkered aluminum plate, but the checkered aluminum plate used on the outer packaging of the product is 5052 checkered aluminum plate.

Checkered Aluminum Plates Applications

Checkered Aluminum Plates Applications

The above are the five common categories of checkered aluminum plates and the application fields of 3003 checkered aluminum plates and 5052 checkered aluminum plates. 上記の内容がお役に立てれば幸いです. Warwick Aluminum is a manufacturer specializing in the production of 1060 アルミニウム板, 3003 アルミニウム板, 1100 アルミニウム板, 断熱アルミ板. It always insists on providing you with excellent aluminum plates with excellent and stable products and comprehensive and thoughtful services. Strip!


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    1050 Aluminum Circle Cc Dc

    1050 アルミサークル

    Huawei Aluminium アルミニウム ディスクはガーナに広く輸出されています, グアテマラ, ブルキナファソ, アルジェリア, 持ち帰り, ケニア, ナイジェリア, 南アフリカ, モロッコと他のアフリカ諸国; アラブ首長国連邦, イエメン, カタール, クウェート, イラン, ヨルダン, サウジアラビアとその他の中東諸国.

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    1070 アルミコイル

    Huawei Aluminium は、お客様の信頼できるパートナーです。 1070 アルミコイル製品. 品質へのこだわりとともに, カスタマイズ, 競争力のある価格設定, 私たちはあなたの期待に応え、それを超えることを目指しています.

    Thick Aluminum Foil


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    Insulation Aluminum Coil


    品質へのこだわり, バラエティ, カスタマイズにより、プロジェクトに最適な絶縁アルミニウム コイルが確実に見つかります。.


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