How to distinguish 3003 aluminium sheet and 1060 アルミシート

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Among the many types of aluminum plates, 3003 アルミ板と 1060 aluminum plates are the two more common ones. But for people who don’t understand aluminum plates, it is somewhat difficult to identify the two aluminum plates.

How to distinguish 3003 aluminium sheet and 1060 アルミシート

Among the many types of aluminum plates, 3003 アルミ板と 1060 aluminum plates are the two more common ones. But for people who don’t understand aluminum plates, it is somewhat difficult to identify the two aluminum plates. This article will elaborate, analyze and introduce the 3003 アルミ板と 1060 aluminum plate from the following six aspects to help everyone better identify the two aluminum plates.

1. Material composition

There are significant differences in material composition between 3003 aluminium sheet and 1060 アルミシート. The main components of 3003 アルミシート are aluminium, manganese and a small amount of copper, while the main component of 1060 aluminium sheet is pure aluminium. したがって, by detecting the material composition of the aluminium sheet, the two aluminium sheets can be easily distinguished.

2. Surface effect

The surface effects of 3003 aluminium sheet and 1060 aluminium sheet are also different. The oxide film on the surface of the 3003 aluminium sheet is thicker and gray in color, while the oxide film on the surface of the 1060 aluminium sheet is thinner and white in color. This is a significant difference in the surface effects of the two aluminium sheets.

1060 Aluminium Sheet

1060 アルミシート

3. Appearance quality

In terms of appearance quality, the details of 3003 aluminium sheets and 1060 aluminium sheets are also different. の表面 3003 aluminium sheet is relatively smooth, while the surface of 1060 aluminium sheet may have obvious oxidation spots. 加えて, the edges of the two aluminium sheets are also different. The edges of the 3003 aluminium sheet are smoother, while the surface of the 1060 aluminium sheet may have some hammer damage.

4. Strength characteristics

3003 aluminium sheet and 1060 aluminium sheet also have different strength characteristics. の強さ 3003 aluminium sheet is relatively high, while the strength of 1060 aluminium sheet is relatively low. したがって, by testing the strength characteristics of the aluminium sheet, the two aluminium sheets can also be easily distinguished.

5. 処理性能

For aluminium sheets that need to be processed, their processing performance is also a factor that cannot be ignored. 3003 aluminium sheet has good processing performance and can easily perform processing operations such as bending and cutting. The processing performance of 1060 aluminium sheet is relatively poor and requires more careful processing operations.

1.5Mm 3003 Aluminium Sheet

1.5んん 3003 アルミシート

6. 価格

The last factor that differentiates 3003 aluminium sheet from 1060 aluminium sheet is price. の価格 3003 aluminium sheet is relatively high because of its good strength and processing performance. の価格 1060 aluminium sheet is relatively low because of its higher purity, but poor strength and processing performance.

By comparing the above six aspects, 私たちは簡単に区別することができます 3003 aluminium sheet and 1060 アルミシート. さまざまなシーンや用途に適したさまざまなアルミシート素材. 自分に合ったアルミシートを選ぶことで作業効率と品質が向上します. この記事が皆様のアルミ板選びの参考になれば幸いです.


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    河南華為アルミニウム有限公司, 株式会社, 中国河南省最大のアルミニウムサプライヤーのひとつ,私たちは2001年に設立され、輸出入と高品質のアルミニウム製品の豊富な経験があります


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