Преимущества пластин из чистого алюминия для пластин из оксида алюминия

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С развитием алюминиевой промышленности, технологию окисления пластин из чистого алюминия можно считать идеальной.. Особенно когда 1060 алюминиевая пластина используется для окисления

Преимущества пластин из чистого алюминия для пластин из оксида алюминия

С развитием алюминиевой промышленности, технологию окисления пластин из чистого алюминия можно считать идеальной.. Особенно когда 1060 алюминиевая пластина is used for oxidation, the effect is also very good. Следовательно, today the editor of the aluminum plate manufacturer will give you a deeper explanation of the advantages of pure aluminum plate for aluminum oxide plate.

Прежде всего, what is aluminum oxide plate

The process of aluminum oxide plate is to simply indicate that a few μ of oxide film is plated. This product that determines the use of the oxide film according to different uses is called aluminum oxide plate. The more common ones are lampshades, Автозапчастей, and product shells that have limited new actual raw materials. There are two purposes for using pure aluminum plate to make aluminum oxide plate.

1060 Anodized Aluminum Plate

1060 Анодированная алюминиевая пластина

1. the aluminum plate looks more beautiful after oxidation, especially in the sun. The effect is very good. The advantage is that the aluminum oxide plate has a better surface effect.

2. the effect of pure aluminum plate will be better after the surface oxidation process, and the life will be extended. If the life of pure aluminum plate without oxidation treatment is 10 годы, then the life of aluminum plate after oxidation can be as high as 20 годы.

Five advantages of pure aluminum plate for anodized aluminum plate:

  • 1. Pure aluminum plate has low cost and good oxidation effect. В частности, the production process of pure aluminum plate is relatively simple, and the quality is stable and the quality is better.
  • 2. Pure aluminum plate has good effect on anodized aluminum plate. After continuous grinding and improvement in the same industry. Pure aluminum plate is used to make anodized aluminum plate. The effect is really good. The use of peers in various industries for anodized aluminum plate makes the anodized aluminum plate better and the quality is more stable.
  • 3. There are many pure aluminum plate anodizing processing factories, and it is easier to buy on the market. This is also one of the high requirements among many reasons why most customers use pure aluminum plate to make anodized aluminum plate.
  • 4. The density of pure aluminum plate is relatively light, which saves more cost during use. There is no doubt that the density of pure aluminum plate is relatively low. Especially for 1060 aluminum plate with a density of 2.71, и т.п., the density of pure aluminum plate is lower and it is more cost-effective to use with it.
  • 5. Pure aluminum plate has high stamping performance, and the application range of pure aluminum plate after oxidation can be wider. Because of the characteristics of pure aluminum plate itself, pure aluminum plate has good performance, and is better in stamping, spinning and deep drawing. Следовательно, the expansion space and selectivity of pure aluminum plate after oxidation are large, which is also an important advantage of pure aluminum plate for making aluminum oxide plate.

Through the introduction of the five advantages of pure aluminum plate for making aluminum oxide plate and the public welfare of aluminum oxide plate production process, you should be able to intuitively understand the advantages of pure aluminum plate for making aluminum oxide plate. What the aluminum plate manufacturer explains to you is a concentrated summary of the public welfare level of using pure aluminum plate for aluminum oxide plate in the current market. I hope it can help you in the use of aluminum plate. It can be helpful!

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