Может 1060 алюминиевая пластина сваривается?

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1060 алюминиевая пластина сваривается, это точно. Основное отличие заключается в навыках сварки и процессе сварки. 1060 алюминиевая пластина.

Может 1060 алюминиевая пластина сваривается? 1060 aluminum plate welding skills

Использование 1060 aluminum plate in various fields is gradually increasing. As people pursue the performance and aesthetics of aluminum products, the requirements for the bending and anisotropic appearance of 1060 aluminum plate are also increasing. Однако, many customers who have little contact with 1060 aluminum plate do not know much about 1060 алюминиевая пластина. Especially for 1060 aluminum plate welding, many customers ask if 1060 aluminum plate can be welded? На самом деле, it can.

1060 Aluminum Plate

1060 Алюминиевая пластина

Может 1060 алюминиевая пластина сваривается?

1060 aluminum plate can be welded, это точно. Основное отличие заключается в навыках сварки и процессе сварки. 1060 алюминиевая пластина.

  • 1. 1060 aluminum plate is a product with a relatively high usage rate in the 1000 aluminum plate family series. Следовательно, there is no doubt about whether 1060 aluminum plate can be welded.
  • 2. Содержание алюминия в 1060 алюминиевая пластина 99.60%. We all know that aluminum is very easy to oxidize in the air. Especially for 1060 aluminum plate that has not been coated with surface oxide film, a very troublesome problem will be encountered during welding, То есть, the welding melting point is high, not enough problem, and not easy to remove. This is a process problem of 1060 aluminum plate welding, but it is no problem for the main operator with mature 1060 aluminum plate welding process technology.
  • 3. При сварке 1060 алюминиевая пластина, pay attention to the problem of surface aluminum oxide film, because the stroke hinders the melting and fusion of 1060 aluminum plate masterbatch. In the process of welding 1060 алюминиевая пластина, it will cause certain problems of specific gravity, and at the same time it is not easy to float to the surface, so it is particularly easy to cause slag inclusion, welding defects and other problems.

1060 aluminum plate welding skills

Хотя 1060 aluminum plate can be welded, many people must not understand the welding of 1060 алюминиевая пластина, and it is easy to control the process of 1060 aluminum plate inaccurately. Especially for the first time to get in touch with the issue of 1060 aluminum plate welding, so we will also teach you the welding skills of 1060 aluminum plate from the essence. This can avoid technical problems when welding 1060.

  • 1. Pay attention to the surface of 1060 aluminum plate welding skills: Прежде всего, before welding the 1060 алюминиевая пластина, be sure to pay attention to cleaning and removing the aluminum floating dust on the 1060 aluminum plate itself. In order to avoid that the 1060 aluminum plate will have more or less floating dust on the surface before the aluminum plate manufacturer leaves the factory. This kind of aluminum ash is easy to oxidize during the welding process. Для 1060 aluminum plate welding, before welding, effectively paying attention to the surface floating dust can achieve twice the result with half the effort.
  • 2. Polishing and grinding of welding parts of 1060 aluminum plate welding skills: If there is still a problem of improper welding after the 1060 aluminum plate is bent, it is important to pay attention to polishing and grinding the welding parts of the 1060 алюминиевая пластина, which can effectively improve the welding process. Avoid unreliable contact at the welding part, causing unnecessary trouble in the later stage.
  • 3. Pay attention to the alloy properties of aluminum plate in the welding skills of 1060 алюминиевая пластина: This problem is almost impossible to deal with for the welding of 1060 алюминиевая пластина. Many customers purchase a large number of products mixed with scrap aluminum, so the result can be that the welding effect will definitely not be too ideal. So if you have high requirements for 1060 алюминиевая пластина, especially for the bending performance and process of 1060 алюминиевая пластина, you must pay attention to this raw material problem when purchasing 1060 aluminum plate base material.
1060 Aluminum Plate Be Welded

1060 Алюминиевая пластина сваривается

These are all the contents of “Can 1060 алюминиевая пластина сваривается? 1060 aluminum plate welding skills”. На самом деле, it is not that 1060 aluminum plate can be welded, but most aluminum plates can be welded. Как производитель алюминиевых пластин с 15 Годы опыта, aluminum has been gradually expanding its use in various performance industry indicators, and welding is an inevitable problem. So you can use it with confidence, as long as you learn the 1060 aluminum plate welding skills, isn’t it very simple!

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