What is the melting point of 3003 алюминиевая пластина?

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What is the melting point of 3003 aluminum plate should have never been discussed.The melting point of 3003 алюминиевая пластина находится между 660 и 780 степени.

What is the melting point of 3003 алюминиевая пластина?

We have done a lot of popular science on the introduction of 3003 алюминиевая пластина, especially on the 3 серии и 1 серия алюминиевой пластины. We have also made a lot of related introductions based on the upstream and downstream products and market environment of 3003 алюминиевая пластина. So the question of what is the melting point of 3003 aluminum plate should have never been discussed. Недавно, many customers who make aluminum plates are curious about the melting point of 3003 алюминиевая пластина. So we have summarized the introduction of the melting points of 1 серии и 3 серия алюминиевых пластин, so that everyone can learn more about the melting point of aluminum plates.

What is the melting point of 3003 алюминиевая пластина?

The melting point of 3003 алюминиевая пластина находится между 660 и 780 степени.

Why do we give an interval value for the melting point density of 3003 алюминиевая пластина? It is mainly due to the different materials. Например, the conventional 3003 aluminum plate is a standard type. It is directly processed by the aluminum plate manufacturer and then stamped or cut by the customer. Since there is no secondary blending, в 3003 aluminum plate itself will not change its structure. Следовательно, the initial value of the melting point of the 3003 aluminum plate we provide is generally maintained at around 660 степени.

Однако, the second situation involves more, такие как 3003 aluminum plate profiles. The main reason is that there are too many secondary processing situations of 3003 алюминиевая пластина, so there is no way to give a specific value. Тогда, a very critical question comes? Which situation is high and which situation is low? It is very simple. Для 3003 алюминиевая пластина, the aluminum profile is relatively high because it is extruded by aluminum rods, so the data values are not very different. But you can boldly plan the melting point of 3003 aluminum plate according to 780 степени.

Melting Point Of 3003 Aluminum Plate

Melting Point Of 3003 Алюминиевая пластина

Introduction to the melting point of 1000 серии 3000 серия алюминиевой пластины

1000 серии 3000 серия алюминиевой пластины is a silver metal material with a melting point of 660.4°C and a melting point of 2467°C. The relative density is 2.70g/cm3. It is very light, около 1/4 из железа. It has relatively low strength and good plasticity. It can be drawn into filaments and rolled into aluminum platinum. The latter is commonly used to package candy and tobacco. It also has excellent electrical conductivity and heat transfer properties. It is used in the power industry to produce cables and cables, and in daily life to produce kitchenware. It can form various alloys with magnesium, медь, цинк, tin, марганец, хром, цирконий, кремний и другие элементы. It is widely used as a raw material for the production of airports, легковые автомобили, Корабли, daily necessities, and is also used in the construction industry. Manufacturing of windows and doors. Aluminum is one of the best reflectors of heat and light. It is used as a thermal insulation material and in the production of reflective lenses in reflecting telescopes.

The purity of raw aluminum produced by modern large and medium-sized prebaked electrolytic cells has improved to a certain extent and can directly produce No. 1 алюминий, but the aluminum content only reaches 99.8%. Some units have very high quality requirements for aluminum, such as wireless communication equipment, lighting reflective lenses, polyester production reactors, acid storage tanks, food packaging products, и т.п., which require refined aluminum with an aluminum content exceeding 99.97% к 99.996%; sometimes It also requires high-purity aluminum of 99.999% (5N) and ultra-pure aluminum above 99.999% (6N). This requires optimizing raw aluminum.

The three-layer liquid electrolysis method invented by Hoopes in 1901 is famous because the essence management system is composed of three layers of solution. The anode solution is composed of raw aluminum to be refined and a weighting agent (30% Cu + 70% Аль). It has a high density (3.3~3.7g/cm3) and is located in rural areas; in the middle is an electrolyte (electrolyte with a density of 2.6~2.8g/cm3). chloride or chlorochloride); the top is refined aluminum obtained by the elite group with a density of 2.3g/cm3, which is in contact with the high-purity graphite cathode to become a practical cathode.

(I) The basic principle of three-layer liquid electrolysis

Three-layer liquid electrolysis is a process of photoelectrocatalytic metallurgy using a power-law fluid that can be dissolved at the anode. The aluminum in the anode alloy loses electrons and undergoes photoelectrocatalytic dissolution to form electrolytes of Al3+, Na+, F-, Cl-, AlF3-6, and AlF-4. Under the influence of an applied voltage, it reaches the cathode, where Al3+ obtains electrons and is converted into aluminum. То есть:

At the anode, residues Fe, Ca, А также, так далее. that are more negatively charged than aluminum do not undergo photoelectrocatalytic dissolution and remain in the anode alloy; residues that are more negatively charged than aluminum enter the electrolyte, such as Na2+, Ca2+, Mg2+, и т.п., which cannot be separated at the cathode and remain in the electrolyte, and then reach the purpose of extraction. If the electrolyte itself contains residues that are more negatively charged than aluminum, they will be separated at the cathode. Следовательно, the electrolyte should be made of pure materials and pre-electrolyzed in the electrolyte tank to remove residues that are more negatively charged than aluminum.

В процессе электролиза, aluminum is dissolved at the anode and separated at the cathode. This photocatalytic process is theoretically a full-scale battery, consuming very little electromagnetic energy (0.04-0.049V). Due to the significant concentration polarization (0.35-0.40V), and the electrolyte level is increased to prevent the anode aluminum from dispersing to the cathode, the purity of the cathode aluminum is reduced, and the electrolyte pressure drop is very large, requiring a cell voltage of 5.9V. В дополнение, no gas is generated during the electrolysis process, and there is no anode function.

(II) Anode alloy of three-layer liquid electrolytic essence

The requirements of the three-layer liquid electrolytic essence for the anode alloy are: the density of the molten alloy should exceed the density of the electrolyte; the melting point of the alloy should be smaller than the melting point of the electrolyte; the solubility of aluminum in the alloy should be greater, and the alloy elements should be larger than the melting point of the electrolyte. Aluminum changes charge.

In industrial production, copper is used as anode alloy. When the copper content in the alloy reaches 33% к 45%, the melting point is 550~590°C and the relative density is 3.2~3.5G/cm3, which can completely meet the above requirements. If the aluminum component in the anode alloy is reduced to 35% к 40%, the melting point of the alloy will rise significantly, and it will solidify when it exceeds the temperature of the feed chamber (the temperature of the feed chamber is 30 to 40°C lower than the tank body). Replenishing primary aluminum to the tank must be performed regularly.

(III) Электролит

The requirements for electrolytes in three-layer electrolytes are: the relative density of the molten electrolyte should be close to the middle of the anode alloy and the refined aluminum; there are no elements in the electrolyte that change the charge more than aluminum; the conductivity is good, the melting point should not be too high above the температура плавления алюминия, the volatility is small, and it is not hygroscopic or hydrolyzed. Сейчас, there are two types of industrial electrolytes: fluorine-chlorine compounds and pure fluorine compounds.

The NaF/AlF3 molar ratio of the two types of electrolytes has an impact on the initial crystallization point, relative density, and conductivity of the solution. The minimum melting point of fluorine-chlorine electrolytes is around the NaF/AlF3 molar ratio of 1.8. In the scope of industrial application, its melting point and relative density are lower than those of pure chloride, but the conductivity is slightly weaker. Adding lithium salt can reduce the initial crystallization point of the electrolyte and improve the conductivity. Fluorine-chlorine compounds are pure fluorine compounds.

(IV) Normal operation of three-layer liquid electrolysis

Normal operation of three-layer liquid electrolysis includes: aluminum tapping, aluminum filling, electrolyte addition, cathode cleaning and replacement, and slag removal. For 17-40kA tapping tanks, aluminum tapping is performed by vacuum pump. The operation is to first rake off the electrolyte film on the refined aluminum, insert a plastic pipette with a high-purity graphite tube into the refined aluminum layer, and vacuum-absorb the refined aluminum. The amount of raw aluminum filled is close to the amount of refined aluminum tapped, so the raw aluminum should be filled immediately after tapping. В общем, liquid raw aluminum is added and the anode alloy solution is stirred to make the raw aluminum evenly distributed.

During electrolysis, the electrolyte will evaporate and turn into tank slag and be lost, requiring replenishment. В общем, after aluminum tapping, a special high-purity graphite tube is used to add electrolyte power law fluid to the electrolyte layer to maintain the original electrolyte level. During tapping, the bottom of the high-purity graphite cathode is adhered to the Al2O3 slag or crust formed by the reaction, and the resistor is enlarged, which needs to be regularly (half a month) to be cleaned one by one. During the combing, the power should be turned off and the operation should be carried out quickly. As the electrolysis progresses, the residues Si, Фе, так далее. in the anode alloy accumulate, and when it reaches a certain stage, the large crystal alloy is separated out smoothly. It is required to clean the alloy slag regularly to keep the anode alloy clean.

(V) Performance parameters and economic data of three-layer electrolytic aluminum

It can be seen that the energy consumption of three-layer electrolytic aluminum is very high, which is 3-8kW·h/kg (алюминий) higher than that of primary aluminum production. The main reason is that the pole distance must be increased to obtain pure aluminum and prevent the anode alloy from dispersing to the cathode.

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